Contact Details




Julie Williams Head of HARP williamsj@hendonschool.co.uk
Nageia El-Ouaret Deputy of HARP El-OuaretN@hendonschool.co.uk


Key Documents and Policies

SEND Policy

SEND Information Report

SEN Admissions Process

HARP Brochure


HARP opened in September 2008 as Barnet’s first resourced provision to support Autistic students in a mainstream secondary school.   We aim to give all our students the level of scaffolding and support they need to allow them to access mainstream classes and to be involved in the social aspects of school.  Our students have individual timetables, studying within HARP as well as in their mainstream classes according to assessed and agreed personal, social and educational need.

Some students study a reduced curriculum to accommodate other priorities: in HARP there is provision for speech and language therapy, some occupational therapy, Personal Social and Relationships Education and pre- and post-tutoring.  We also offer ‘catch-up time’ and support to students who find it difficult to complete homework at home. The HARP curriculum comprises of Personal, Moral Development and Social Understanding.

Within the Harp-based Personal Social and Relationships curriculum, all students are also encouraged to identify their own strengths and interests within the context of exploring Autism and the achievements of Autistic people, both historical and contemporary.  We explore the operating systems of neurodiversity and neurotypical or allistic individuals as different and of equal value. 

In HARP we see it as crucial to understand the nature of each student’s strengths, interests and difficulties and the impact of these on the individual’s encounters, functioning, understanding of, and interactions with, the world.  We aim to bridge the divide between the perceptions, motivation and experiences of our students and the expectations of school and wider society and to guide and support mainstream staff and students to understand, adapt to and accommodate different interactions and learning styles of our students.


Students must have a medical diagnosis of autism and an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) naming autism as their primary need in order to be considered for a place in HARP. Barnet Local Authority (LA) is the ‘admitting authority’; HARP does not make decisions regarding admissions to the provision. To request a place in HARP, Parents should express an interest to their home local authority and ask Barnet to consult. This can only be done through Barnet LA. 


We undertake to:

  • Tailor each student’s learning package to meet their individual educational, emotional and social needs.

  • Develop an Autism friendly environment, providing structure to make HARP a predictable and safe place, to reduce levels of anxiety

  • Support students to develop social understanding

  • Help students to develop a positive and realistic self-image, self-esteem, independence, confidence and resilience to cope with the expectations of a neurotypical world.

  • Help students to gain understanding of people and how they think, feel and operate; to form positive relationships with others

  • Develop - via staff training – Autism friendly teaching and interactions throughout the school.

  • Develop positive relationships with parents, carers and other professionals.

  • Offer to each individual ‘the best of both worlds’: a balance between inclusive education and separate, individualised Autism- specific teaching.

  • Focus and build on the positive actions, interactions, interests and achievements of our students.

  • Give specific and detailed feedback and praise to ensure individuals fully understand expectations and the effect of their behaviour on other people

  • Support the student throughout their time in HARP including sixth form, if they decided to stay at Hendon after their GCSE’s. Support is only offered when it is needed, and used to help the student, ultimately, to become more independent both socially and as a learner.

  • Help students to envisage a future pathway, supporting trips to colleges, universities, places of work, lecturers as well as hosting frequent visits from past students and staff.

Partnership with Parents

Parents and carers are encouraged to be actively involved in HARP and the education of their sons and daughters. In addition to formal meetings, we have an open-door policy and regular contact is maintained via the telephone, email and Home-School books to exchange information and ideas thus gaining a thorough understanding of the individual’s experiences and perceptions. In addition, we hold regular social events for families and friends to come together and share their experience, develop a support network and chat with the staff. 

Transition and Induction

All students joining HARP will be invited to visit and spend time with us during Year 6, accompanied by a familiar adult, so that they feel secure and comfortable at Hendon prior to Transition Day, when they meet their new form group and friends. Students are given a Transition Book with information and photographs and they are invited to personalise their books with their own photographs and comments gleaned on visits. Care is taken to ensure that HARP students are placed with named friends from their Primary School where possible and with Form Tutors with an interest and expertise in Autism. Close contact between HARP staff and Primary schools and prior communication with parents, ensure we have relevant information and a smooth transition.

Important Links 

Barnet Local Offer: Home / Autistic Children & Young People

Disability Service & Specialist Autism Team: Barnet Council

National Strategy for autistic children, young people and adults: 2021 to 2026

National Autism Society - Advice & Guidance