Student Services

“There is no duty more important than ensuring the rights of children are respected and that their welfare is protected.”

The aim of the department is to ensure the basic care of the students, ensuring that they are safe and healthy. There is a focus on working together with school staff, parents and external agencies to ensure that there is a “team” around the child approach. There is also an emphasis on building resilience in young people to help them as they successful develop into young adults.

The department is made up of a number of specialists who are non-teaching members of staff, which means that they are available throughout the school day for parents and students. The first point of contact for students and parents is Mrs Shah 020 8202 9004 ext. 246 Mrs Shah will then be able to refer students and parents to the most appropriate member of staff to help

Current areas of support include:

  • First Aid and Medical care including Health care plans

  • Admissions·

  • Attendance

  • Free School Meals·

  • Relationships and Sex Education and Drugs Education through the SMART Futures programme

  • Therapeutic Interventions·

  • Child protection and Support for students who are the subject of Child Protection Procedures

  • Responsibility for Supporting Looked After Children (LAC’s)

  • Signposting of information and guidance for students, parents/carers and staff

  • Proactively supporting parents/carers and families

  • Coordination of specialist or visiting agencies working in the school

  • Strong links with a range of departments at the London Borough of Barnet

All families sometimes need help and support to ensure the wellbeing of their children. We will work proactively and non-judgementally with students and their families about any issue that impacts on student’s attainment and ability to reach their potential  

Support is constantly reviewed by the team and students causing concern are identified in a variety of ways through regular communication with other members of staff. The strength of the department is its collaborative approach to its work. There are regular team meetings and expertise is pooled to look at the most effective help for students, playing to the strengths of the individual team members.