Alumni News

We are fortunate at Hendon to have alumni from a range of years who attend reunions and contribute to our magazine The Old Hendonian.

We are very grateful to our Editor and Manager of the Archives, Alan Freedman. Alan is a retired lawyer who was a pupil at Hendon from 1968-1975. You can download copies of the most recent magazines here:

The Old Hendonian 2023

The Old Hendonian 2022

The Old Hendonian 2021

The Old Hendonian 2020

The Old Hendonian 2019

The Old Hendonian 2018

If you would like to receive copies of future magazines, be kept informed of reunions or make a donation to Friends of Hendon please contact Alan using the form below.

Alumni Form

You can email this to Alan at 

or post to: 

Image not foundAlan Freedman         
Hendon School
Golders Rise,