Design and Technology

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” – Leonardo Da Vinci

Design and Technology GCSE is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject. Using creativity and imagination, pupils design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. 

High quality Design and Technology education makes an essential contribution to the creativity, culture, wealth and wellbeing of the nation and through evaluation of products students develop a critical understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world. 

The creative sector is one of the fastest growing industries in the UK. It currently accounts for 6% of the UK’s GDP, with further growth predicted for the next decade. This new D&T course is developed to prepare students for entering a very diverse and multi-skilled word of creative and engineering industries. 

In this Design and Technology course students will acquire subject knowledge in Design and Technology that builds on Key Stage 3, incorporating knowledge and understanding of different materials and manufacturing processes in order to design and make, with confidence, prototypes in response to issues, needs, problems and opportunities. 

Students will develop an awareness of practices from the creative, engineering and manufacturing industries. Through the critique of the outcomes of design and technology activity, both historic and present day, students will develop an understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world. They will understand that high-quality design and technology is important to the creativity, culture, sustainability, wealth and wellbeing of the nation and the global community. Students acquire a broad range of subject knowledge and draw on other subjects such as Mathematics, Science, ICT and Art and they learn to become resourceful, innovative and capable citizens. 

In Year 10 students study the core content all materials (Paper and Card, Polymers, Metals, Fibres and Textiles, Timber and Electronic systems) of the Design and Technology subject as well as specialising in either Textiles or Timber through focused theory lessons once a week and a series of smaller projects aimed to further develop their knowledge and skills in the chosen material category for 2 lessons a week. 

In Year 11 students work on their major Design and Make non-examined assessment task set by the exam board, where they are expected to produce a high-quality product in their chosen material (either Textiles or Timber) accompanied by extensive design portfolio.  Students will also be working through the theory content of the course to prepare for the written exam. 





Year 10

Technical drawing

2D design


New and emerging technologies

Society and manufacturing


Design and make project in a chosen material

Material properties

Paper and card


Fibres and Textiles

Design and make project in a chosen material


Electronic systems

Smart materials

Year 11


Theory of the specialist material – Timber or Textiles  

Exam Preparation

Exam board:

Outside the classroom

Trips to a variety of museums including the Design Museum, Victoria and Albert museum, Textiles and Fashion museum 

Each year students are able to display their work at the annual Design and Technology show

Upon completion of this course students, who specialise in Textiles can progress to A-level Design and Technology: Fashion and Textiles or other Level 3 vocational qualifications such as BTEC Extended Level 3 Diploma in Fashion and Textiles leading to placements in Fashion college, University or on an Art Foundation Course. 

Students who take this course may wish to become a Fashion designer working freelance or for a fashion house, Fashion/Retail buyer, Textiles (fabric) Designer, Pattern cutter, Fibre technologist, Fabric technologist, Textiles colourist, Cutting room manager, Warehouse manager, Production manager, Fashion journalist, Costume designer and so on. 

Students specialising in Timber can progress to A-level Design and Technology: Product Design or to Technical Certificates and other Level 3 vocational qualifications such as NVQ Carpentry or Manufacturing and Production.

Each year students are able to display their work at the annual Design and Technology show

Progression pathways and careers

Students who take this course may wish to become a material scientist, carpenter, interior designer, product designer, industrial designer, architect, car body mechanic, CAD technician (F1 car / building / product design etc.), design engineer with European Space Agency (ESA), Research & Development engineer, Ergonomist, Product Developer etc.

Useful links 


Mrs Alena Gavartin, Head of Design and Technology Faculty