Contact Details
Name |
Position |
Kalpna Patel |
Head of PDS |
Sanyu Nakasi |
Teacher of Deaf |
Alexandra Crane | Communication Support Worker | cranea@hendonschool.co.uk |
Andrea Hanak | Specialist Support Worker | hanaka@hendonschool.co.uk |
Key Documents and Policies
Important information
Provision for Deaf Students (PDS) currently caters for 10 students, aged 11-18. Each student has an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) associated with a significant hearing loss that can impact their access to education and society. All students in the PDS wear personal hearing instruments for aural communication. These include Hearing Aids or Cochlear Implants. Hendon School has a Soundfield system in over 50 classrooms and students have access to Radio Aids to further support their listening. Students use technology to make maximum use of their residual hearing and may, if desired, also use sign (SSE or BSL) to further support communication. We have members of staff qualified up to BSL Level 6.
We aim to enable all our deaf pupils to achieve to the best of their abilities, academically, socially and emotionally by providing access to a high-quality learning environment.
All the students have been identified as requiring support from PDS staff (Teachers of the Deaf and Specialist Support Teachers) to help access the mainstream curriculum through oral/aural methods. If required, BSL support can also be arranged. The students get in-lesson support in a variety of subjects across their timetables. Some students will have Tutoring sessions to pre-/post-tutor dependent on their timetable. These personalised sessions are designed to provide structured learning that supports their mainstream curriculum. The students can always access the PDS for further support outside of lesson times as needed.
PDS Students are integrated into Hendon School and are members of mainstream tutor groups. PDS has a structured mentoring program which occurs weekly and alongside their daily mainstream mentoring time. Example PDS mentor sessions include: academic recapping, homework support, advice and support, deaf culture and identity and any ‘carry over’ work from specialists (e.g. Speech and Language).
The PDS has a moral responsibility to monitor the needs of deaf students who do not have an EHCP. This comes in the form of monitoring audiology equipment, highlighting deaf friendly strategies to teachers and offering advice to parents. Please do get in touch with us if you have any questions.
The PDS currently provides supervised opportunities to meet with their deaf peers:
- Wednesday/Thursday lunch time for British Sign Language (BSL) clubs.
- Students are welcome to come to the PDS with their peers at any time to suggest new ideas.
- Before school and during lunchtimes the PDS area is open for students to study or to socialise with their deaf peers.
- Trips and workshops
The department has links with various professionals to aid in the complete development of the students. These include Speech and Language Therapists, Educational Psychologists and Audiology Technicians.
The PDS would signpost the following organisations who provide a variety of resources, advice and opportunities for deaf young people.
Important Links
National Deaf Children’s Society (NDCS)