VIP Year 6-7 Transition Zone

Many parents and carers have concerns about their children moving from primary to secondary school. At Hendon School we understand this and have put together a programme to ensure that students have a smooth transition and positive start both academically and socially.

The transition team (including the Head of Year 7, Assistant Headteacher, SEND Coordinator, Student Support and other staff if appropriate) visit every primary school from which students are transferring. It is an opportunity to meet the Year 6 teacher, students and other relevant staff in the primary school.

Students are interviewed at Hendon School with their parent/carer, by a member of the Year 7 staff. This “settling in” interview is an opportunity to gather information that will help with creating the New Year 7 classes but also gives parents/carers and students an opportunity to ask questions and allay any fears. Essential information forms are completed and the Home School Agreement is signed.

At Hendon School, we host a welcome event for all parents, as well as VIP afternoons where students can come and meet each other and take part in a range of different activities. 

For those students coming to Hendon from a primary school where only 1 or 2 students are transferring, or students who need extra support, are invited to our VIP picnic. Parent/carers are welcomed to attend as it is an opportunity to spend time getting to know each other before Induction day.

On Induction day students spend the day with us, meeting other people in their form class and their form tutor. There is also a coffee morning for the parents on Induction day.

We hold a week long summer school , open to all students.

The first day in September is for Year 7 students only. The focus of the day is team building and getting to know members of their form class. There is also a coffee morning for parents on the first day.

We also understand that transition from primary to secondary school can also be a stressful time for both students and their parents/carers so we have a dedicated email address that is monitored by the transition team to answer all concerns/questions you might have. Please do not hesitate to contact us at

Documents - Free School Meals Application and Home School Agreements

As these are word documents they will automatically download onto your computer/smart device when you click on them, so please check your downloads folder.

Free School Meal Application form

Home School Agreement