HS6 Study Centre

HS6 study centre offers:

  • Two dedicated Sixth Form teaching rooms

  • Three fully resourced ICT rooms for independent learning

  • Over 50 computers exclusively for Sixth Form use

  • A meeting room

  • Sixth Form staff offices

Study Centre Code of Conduct

Behaviour in the study centre:

It is important that the Sixth Form Study Centre is a productive, quiet, working environment. It is expected that all 6th formers model suitable behaviour appropriate for, and conducive to, a studying and learning environment. Dignified, respectful and appropriate behaviour is expected when working in the Study Centre. The following is expressly not permitted:

  • No swearing.

  • No shouting or raising your voice.

  • No homophobic, racist, sexist or any unkind language.

  • No food or drinks in the Study Centre. Water is allowed, provided it is not consumed next to a computer

  • Hats, coats, jackets and other items of outdoor clothing should not be worn in the Study Centre.

  • No mobile phones during study time. Mobiles can be used during break and lunchtime. Students may use headphones to listen to music while studying.

  • All litter must be put in the bins provided.

  • Respect all members of staff. Instructions given by any member of staff must be followed.

S3 & S4:

  • These rooms are quiet working rooms.

  • Students may discuss their work quietly during study sessions in these rooms.


This room is a silent working room. If students wish to talk about work, they should move to S3, S4 or the canteen.

Independent study and cover

The primary purpose of the Sixth Form Study Centre is for study and independent learning. Students are expected to arrive to study periods on time so as not to disturb others who are already working silently in the rooms. If a lesson is being covered, a register of your attendance will be taken by the member of staff supervising. You must complete all set work for the covered lesson as you will be asked to submit the work at the end of the lesson.

You must attend all appointments that have been scheduled; coaching, mentoring, career advice, interventions etc. these have been arranged for your benefit and to ensure that you are making good progress in the Sixth Form.