Welcome toHendon School
Welcometo HS6
Thank you for your interest in Hendon School. Hendon is a school of passion – where our students and staff  care immensely about what they are doing, about our school values and about each other.
Hendon School is a family – albeit a very large and diverse family – and we celebrate that. We are stronger because of our differences and because of the way that we work together. Our school is entering a new and dynamic phase of its development and this year we have been working to articulate the vision and values that underpin our school community.
Let’s Meet...
Let’s Meet...
Key Stage 3
Hendon School is super welcoming. If you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed, there is always someone available to support you.
The extra-curricular clubs provide lots of opportunities to make new friends from other classes or years.
Lastly, I feel like Hendon School is preparing me for my GCSE exam experience through the end of year assessment week.
The extra-curricular clubs provide lots of opportunities to make new friends from other classes or years.
Lastly, I feel like Hendon School is preparing me for my GCSE exam experience through the end of year assessment week.
Let’s Meet...
Key Stage 3
I really like the facilities and all of the green space that Hendon School has to offer. The school is like one big family – the teachers really care about us and encourage us to be the best that we can be.
Let’s Meet...
Key Stage 3
I am really looking forward to Enrichment Week. The week of activities are something for everyone to look forward to following the end of year assessments; it’s an excellent opportunity to relax and have fun with friends.
I also made new friends in the Dance Club that I joined this year. I am looking forward to my first public performance.
I also made new friends in the Dance Club that I joined this year. I am looking forward to my first public performance.
Let’s Meet...
Key Stage 4
There are lots of extra-curricular activities on offer at Hendon School. I am a member of the NHS Cadets. Through NHS Cadets, I have developed my leadership skills and now feel more confident and able to manage a range of situations.
Let’s Meet...
Key Stage 4
I am part of the Student Voice Team. This means that I have had a say in whole school decisions, such as, the introduction of Lunchtime student Supervisors and the House System. I have also had the opportunity to develop my public speaking skills through the Speak Out Challenge.
You can be part of any club here, regardless of your ability, everyone is welcome to train and develop their skills.
You can be part of any club here, regardless of your ability, everyone is welcome to train and develop their skills.
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