
Media Studies

Faculty: English
Level: A Level

Examination Board/website: AQA –

Assessment Details: 

Students are assessed through two written examinations and one piece of coursework

Practical Examinations :  

Unit titles -  Media 1 and Media 2, two hours each, 35% weighting each, Exams take place in June of year 13 and are externally assessed.


Unit Title – Non Exam Assessment (NEA) Creating a Cross Media Production. Weighting - 30% of the A level.  Work is submitted to AQA by 15th May (although this will be completed and handed in to the subject teacher by the end of December in year 13). Coursework is assessed by the subject teacher and then moderated by AQA.

Course outline:

You are expected to have an interest in the media and passion for analysing. You will be taught how to ‘read’ media texts and to analyse them thoroughly. An aptitude for English Literature is an advantage as the subject does involve a great deal of writing.

A-level Media Studies engages students in the in depth study of media products in relation to the four areas of the theoretical framework:media language;media representation;media industries; media audiences. Study also includes learning about key media theorists, their theories and how these are applied to a range of media texts.

You will study media products from all of the following media forms: television, film, radio, newspapers, magazines, advertising and marketing, online, social and participatory media, video games and music video, as well as completing in-depth study of a wide range of ‘Close Study Products’ (set media texts).

Skills/Aptitudes required to be successful in this course:

Excellent attention to detail, with an enthusiasm for media. A keen interest in the practical aspects of the media as well as the ability to analyse and apply theory.

Complementary Subjects:

Psychology, Sociology, English, Art/Photography

Pathways / Careers:

Journalism, Film making, Advertising and Marketing, Editing, Publishing, Any practical media profession

Course Leader

Mrs A Beames
