Film Studies
Faculty: English
Level : A Level
Examination Board/website:
EDUCAS (part of WJEC)
Assessment Details:
Students are assessed through two written examinations and one piece of coursework
Practical Examinations:
unit titles - Component One: Varieties of film and filmmaking and Component Two: Global Filmmaking Perspectives, two and a half hours each, 35% weighting each, Exams take place in June of year 13 and are externally assessed.
Coursework :Unit Title – Component Three: Production Non-Exam Assessment. Weighting - 30% of the A level. Work is submitted to EDUCAS by late April of year 13 (although this will be completed and handed in to the subject teacher before this date). Coursework is assessed by the subject teacher and then moderated by EDUCAS.
Course outline:
You are expected to have an interest in and passion for analysing film and you will be taught how to analyse a wide range of film texts thoroughly, to include Global Film, Hollywood, American and British Film, Documentary, Silent Cinema and Experimental Film. You will use the skills acquired to study nine specialist topic areas in film; Film Form, Meaning and Response, Film Contexts, Spectatorship, Narrative, Ideology, Auter, Critical Debates and Filmmakers’ Theories.
You will sit two exams at the end of year 13 as well as producing coursework that is equivalent to 30% of your final A Level. The coursework element is either film making or screen play writing.
Skills/Aptitudes required to be successful in this course:
Excellent attention to detail, with an enthusiasm for media or film. A keen interest in the practical aspects of film as well as the ability to analyse and apply theory.
Complementary Subjects:
Psychology, Sociology, English, Art/Photography
Pathways /Careers:
All film industry jobs, many analytical careers and journalism
Course Leader
Mrs A Beames