School Life

Year 11


Head of Year

Gail Jordan -

Deputy Head of Year 

Adem Leadbetter -

Director of Key Stage 4 (KS4)

Florence Kruczyk -

Year 11 Summer 2025 GCSE Exam Timetable: TBC

Year 11 Student Progress Evening: TBC


Form Tutors:

11.1H - Mohammed Salem -

11.2H - Derrick Mubiru

11.3H - Awo Ege

11.4H - Adem Ledbetter & Sana Anwar (Tue-Wed) 


11.5S - Keebriyah Ehiya & Sana Anwar (Mon) / (Mon)

11.6S - Charles Ebose

11.7S - Florije Hoxha

11.8S - Aidarus Nuur until further notice

PDS Support:

PDS Support is provided by a variety of tutors

Core values of the team

  • Students help and support fellow year 11  students

  • Students have a positive attitude towards learning

  • Students show respect and manners to all members of the Hendon School community

  • Students respect the school environment

  • Students communicate with each other using appropriate language

  • Students speak to an adult if they are struggling with a particular issue