School Life

Questions / Queries & Complaints

The majority of Questions Queries & Complaints can be dealt with by your

Form Tutor for pastoral issues (behaviour/friendship/health etc.) or

Subject Teacher for academic issues (lessons, homework etc.)  

If you are not happy with their response please contact the Head of Year (pastoral issues) or Head of Faculty (academic issues).

Contact details can be found in the Academic Review Day Booklet.

All students have an Academic Review Day (ARD) meeting with their Parent/Carer and Form Tutor at the start of the School Year.

At this meeting you will have been given a booklet with contact information for form tutors and subject teachers.

If you missed ARD copies of the handouts can be found by clicking on the following link:

Our School/Communication/Academic Review Day Handouts

If you still can't see who to contact in the above documents you can phone or email the school office with any queries and they will put you through to the relevant person

Click the following link:  Home/Contact Us for details.


The School Complaint Policy and Form can be found under:

Our School/Key Documents & Policies